Hello, world!


This paradoxal antinomy brings fragments of the Truth and they decide to create the Actex concept. Actex concept is know- how

Davy van Praet

Statement: The visual language can "verbalise" the between rows - the Order of the Friends of euphemism


ACTEX is a concept we created by interbreeding abstract expressionism with actionism.

The experimental non-figure method of abstract expressionism as a spontaneous expression of the subconscious meets

the intention of actionism to break taboos on its way to achieve truly physical and psychological sense of reality.


Instead of concentrating entirely on the "gesture choreography" which often puts the accent on the physical creation of the painting itself,

ACTEX is interested not only in "how" but in "what" as well.

However again,

Unlike actionism,

ACTEX challenges all conservative life and art values within the traditional

forms of the visual arts in an attempt to find self-reflection.

In my experiment i share common aesthetics, but of course deeply subjective for each of us and this is namely what marks the poles in the diapason of Actex concept.

The process of creating may be considered in the practices of abstract expressionism. But not entirely. In this compositions the conscious decisions are in harmony with the subconscious, i.e. the clarified composition is after that improvisated, but in the frame of artistic criterion and forms.project ESPERANTO. The idea for a universal language. 

The name of the "Esperanto" language translates as "one who hopes". Honoring Herr Zamenhof's legacy, we embrace this message for peace and international understanding.

The language is based on clear logical foundations, which we visually "translate" into our work:

S p a c e s o f s l o w m o v e m e n t s . T h e a c t I o n , t h e m o v e m e n t , t h e g e s t u r e creates s p a c e project BABYLON CHIAROSCURO. The idea of memory afore division the nations

People meet to communicate. This can lead to a consensus or vice versa. In the new times for this is needed Convention, such as is the language. But why did postmodern joke "There is communication, there is misunderstanding" does not create a sense of universality ?! "